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Learning Support

Learning Support

Children learn in many different ways and at individual developmental stages. Due to this fact, some children will need more support than others to achieve the standards of expected at The Gulf English School.

During the early weeks of the new school year, the classroom teachers closely observe and will be alert for the early recognition of potential 'at-risk' children. Once these children are identified, each classroom teacher can begin the referral process by submitting the referrals directly to the Learning Support team. The designated completed form will alert the Learning Support staff of a need to assess a potential low achiever.

Selective formal, diagnostic and informal screening devices will be used to assess the various learning skills essential for success in acquiring literacy and numeracy, and to predict possible 'barriers to learning' in the individual child.

The first and most important implication of the diagnosis is the recognition of individual patterns of learning and areas of difficulty. For example, the child functioning within the ordinary range of intelligence, but with severe perceptual problems, poor grapho-motor skills or the child displaying a combination of factors - are all differing learning support areas needing identification in order for specific action to be undertaken.

The areas of learning support focus will depend on the assessment results and may include: Activities to build Fine and Gross motor coordination skills, areas of Visual Perceptual problems, Bilateral Integration coordination needs, as well as grapho-motor skills improvement. Most pupils will receive support for their basic literacy and numeracy in order for them to be able to function at expected levels for their peer group.

Occasionally, during this stage, parents may be requested to seek the advice or services of other professionals such as, an Educational Psychologist, Speech or Occupational Therapist in the planning and management of their child's educational program.